About Spiralism with Heath Brougher
https://www.weaselpress.com/product-page/to-burn-in-torturous-algorithms Heath Brougher's To Burn in Torturous Algorithms was published...

Interview with Scott Thomas Outlar
Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site 17Numa.wordpress.com where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, live...

An Interview with Don Beukes
Don Beukes is originally from Cape Town, South Africa and is the author of ‘The Salamander Chronicles’ and ‘Icarus Rising – Volume 1’,...
An Interview with Damian Rucci
Damian Rucci is an author from New Jersey. His latest book, The Former Lives of Saints, can be found on Amazon. 01. Tell us a bit about...
Interview with Hypetaph
Weasel here! I recently interviewed an editor from Thurston Howl Publications (www.thurstonhowlpublications.com). THP is a great press...
A school game, lists clutched in tiny fists, fat and sweaty from the excitement. Find the items and tick them off, running fast to be...

Haven Meadows - Bone sculptor. Beekeeper. Life and Death enthusiast. www.bonesculptures.com
Supply Cabinet
It takes a bundle of Mardi Gras beads to get the fancy photocopier to flash anyone; it has fax machine complex, dial-whining, always...
Ars Poetica, Open Casket
Ars Poetica, Open Casket “My body holds its shape. The genius is intact.” -Thomas James I wanted to end in fire but forgot to write that...
Why Be An Arbiter of Literature?
“Literature is only for those who are too frightful to speak their own mind,” said absolutely no one…ever. For ages, many have disproved...